Reflection for Coaches Bookmark - 25 pack

Reflection for Coaches Bookmark - 25 pack

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The Reflection for Coaches Bookmark is a helpful tool to aid coaches to increase self-awareness, spot areas for personal development, and increase learning - all in order to deliver better coaching results for clients.

This full-color bookmark features questions from the book The Reflective Journal for Coaches. There are twenty-eight questions to reflect on your experience, learning, and application.

Here are a few sample questions:

My Experience: In what ways did I practice the principles I intended to?
My Learning: What observations do I have about my coaching?
My Application: What strategy would I like to use next time?
Size: 2″ x 8″ / 508mm x 2032mm on glossy, UV coated 100 lbs /280gm paper

25 Reflection for Coaches Bookmarks to a package.